Segall is Lead Editor for Supercomputing Book
Dr. Richard S. Segall, professor of computer & information technology, is lead editor of a new book, Research and Applications in Global Supercomputing, published by IGI Global of Hershey, Pa. He also is co-author of the introductory chapter. The book, already in its second printing, examines emerging research as well as technology applications in areas such as bioinformatics, cloud computing, energy network operations, nano-material applications and nuclear power applications.
Professional Group Elects Walz as President
Congratulations to Dr. Stacy Walz, assistant professor of clinical laboratory sciences and department chair, who has begun a term as president of the Arkansas chapter of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science after election by her peers. Walz also was appointed recently to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Laboratory Medicine Best Practice Workgroup, which is addressing the problem of pending laboratory tests at hospital discharge.
Eleven Members of Art Faculty Showing Work in Biennial
Eleven faculty members in the Department of Art are displaying some of their recent work in the annual Faculty Biennial Exhibition, which opens to the public Thursday, Oct. 8, at Bradbury Art Museum. Congratulations to these participating faculty for their outstanding work: Nikki Arnell, assistant professor, Joe Ford, assistant professor, Shelley Gipson, associate professor, John Norris, associate professor, Bill Rowe, professor, John Salvest, professor, Curtis Steele, professor and chair, Cara Sullivan, instructor, Kimberly Vickrey, professor, Dr. Susan Whiteland, assistant professor, and Melissa Wilkinson, assistant professor.
Funding Released for Domestic Terrorism Study
The state Congressional delegation announced funding of $508,403 for the second and third year of a research project for which Dr. Thomas Ratliff (right), assistant professor of criminology, is primary investigator. The National Institute of Justice project also involves co-PIs Dr. Rebecca Barrett-Fox and Dr. Matthew Costello, assistant professors of sociology and criminology, respectively. The researchers' study of radicalization on the Internet was featured on page 8 of A-State's Measure magazine.
Freer is Contributor to Testing Best Practices Guide
Rosemary Freer, director of Testing Services, was a contributor to "Proctoring Best Practices," a publication produced over the past year by the National College Testing Association in collaboration with the Association of Test Publishers Security Committee. NCTA's goal was to improve test proctoring. The publication, available through NCTA, outlines practices and guidelines that test sponsors and publishers should consider when developing the testing program's standardization and administration policies.
Articles submitted by:
Tom Moore
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