Hossain Co-Authors Three Research Articles
Two research articles co-authored by Dr. Niamat Hossain, assistant professor of engineering management, have been published in CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology. One involved a model to generate a cyber resilience index of a supply chain, and the other presents a decision model for assessing enablers of quality dimensions. A third article he co-authored, on risks in collaborative supply chain management, is in Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal.
Nutt’s Project is Funded by Kays Foundation
Congratulations to Jody Nutt, assistant professor of medical imaging and radiation sciences, who submitted a successful grant application to the Kays Foundation in its latest funding cycle. Nutt’s project includes acquiring a 3-D scanner for medical imaging. The images will be used in medical 3-D printing applications, such as construction of organ and anatomical models to enhance students’ educational experience.
Simoes’ Students Selected for Competitions
Congratulations to Dr. Nairam Simoes, assistant professor of music, whose trumpet students have been invited to participate in two peer-reviewed and juried competitions. Six students advanced to the quarter-finals of the Small Trumpet Ensemble Division of the National Trumpet Competition at the University of Delaware starting March 31, and 11 students were selected to perform in May at the International Trumpet Guild Conference in San Antonio.
Two CQ Faculty Achieve Research Designation
Dr. Miguel Ángel García-Ariza (left), assistant professor of mathematics, and Dr. Miguel Eduardo Oseguera-Toledo (right), clinical faculty in chemistry, at Campus Querétaro, have been awarded the distinction of National Researcher-Level I in the National System of Researchers (SNI), for the next three years. SNI was created to acknowledge the impact of outstanding researchers who contribute to the advancement and production of scientific and technological knowledge.
Johnson-Leslie Appointed to Journal Board
Dr. Natalie Johnson-Leslie, associate professor of teacher education, has been appointed to serve on the editorial board of the Scientific Professional Technical Journal, for which she will provide reviews of scholarly submissions. The journal, based in Croatia, publishes work from an extensive range of disciplines, including research that links gamification to higher education teaching and learning practices.
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