Moore Featured in Professional Group’s Blog
In honor of Black History Month, the National Athletic Trainers’ Association featured Dr. Carlitta Moore, assistant professor of athletic training and assistant dean, Nursing and Health Professions, on its blog, NATA Now. NATA called Moore one of the leaders making a difference in the athletic training profession. She was recognized for her leadership in state and national professional groups and accreditation organizations.
Whiteland to Receive Art Education Award
The Committee on Lifelong Learning, a special interest group of the National Art Education Association (NAEA), has recognized Dr. Susan Whiteland, associate professor of art education, for her professional achievements. The committee will present its 2023 Pearl Greenberg Award for Teaching and Research in Art Education to Whiteland. She will accept the award and address NAEA in April during the group’s national conference in San Antonio.
Sokolov is Co-Author of ASEM Handbook Topic
Dr. Alexandr Sokolov, assistant professor of engineering management and program director, is a co-author for the American Society of Engineering Management’s third edition of its Engineering Management Handbook. Organized into 11 domain topics, the digital handbook includes his work on “Agile Project Management” for domain five, project management. Sokolov covers the importance of managers’ preparation for resource and staffing decisions in a rapidly changing technological and business environment.
Castro Appointed to Editor Post with Journal
Dr. Justin Castro, professor of history and department chair, has been appointed associate editor of the interdisciplinary journal Engineering Studies. The peer-reviewed journal has multiple aims, including linking scholarly work in engineering studies with broader discussions about engineering education, research, practice, policy and representation. Castro will lead the journal’s initiative to include more scholarship about Latin America and from Latin American scholars.
Del Rio is Co-Author of Machine Learning Research
Dr. María de la Soledad del Río, assistant professor in science and mathematics, Campus Querétaro, and collaborator Dr. Juan Pablo Treviño are co-authors of an article published in the journal Intelligence-Based Medicine. They present a method to classify specific types of corneal shapes to aid early diagnosis of keratoconus. Del Río’s recent research has focused on machine learning and its applications to various problems.
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