Butcher Authors Book on Legislative Careers
Dr. Jordan Butcher, assistant professor of political science, is author of a book just published by Palgrave Macmillan. In her book, Navigating Term Limits: The Careers of State Legislators, she considers whether or not term limits help curb careerism in U.S. state legislatures. Butcher concludes that term limits do not end careers; instead, lawmakers have become more creative in their occupational pursuits. More details are online.
Neuman-Lee Describes New Curriculum Concepts
A paper co-authored by Dr. Lori Neuman-Lee, associate professor of physiology, with students and collaborators describes an interactive curriculum idea for teaching biological concepts. Their article in The American Biology Teacher explains how to implement the activity across K-12 and college classrooms, and how it can be applied to multiple topics. Curriculum testing occurred in A-State classrooms and the Arkansas Audubon Society Halberg Ecology Camp.
Lee is Co-Author of Two New Research Articles
Dr. Jaein Lee, assistant professor of sociology, has two new publications. He is leading author for an article in Social Science Research on how attitudes toward homosexuality in South Korea have changed over a 22-year period. He also is a co-author of an article accepted by Population Research and Policy Review. The researchers’ findings highlight the importance of measuring and assessing dyadic pregnancy intentions to understand key racial-ethnic differences in the circumstances leading to conceptions.
Paolini is Interviewed on Students’ Mental Health
Dr. Allison Paolini, assistant professor of school counseling and director of the school counseling program, was interviewed by the website Counseling Schools for her viewpoints on student mental health. She said cases of anxiety and depression among children were on the increase before the pandemic; the effects of forced isolation and associated uncertainty have made the problems even worse. The article is available online.
Calloway is Co-Editor for Special Review Issue
Dr. Catherine Calloway, emeritus professor of English, co-edited a special issue of Philological Review that focuses on the work of Mississippi writers Jesmyn Ward and William Faulkner. The issue contains eight essays by international scholars that consider the connections between the two authors. Calloway also contributed an essay on Ward’s first novel, Where the Line Bleeds, that links fraternal conflicts from Faulkner’s novels to those in Ward’s more recent writing.
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