Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
The purpose of the IBC is to ensure adequate containment of potentially hazardous biological agents, to review and monitor potentially hazardous experiments, to inform the public about experimental plans that have a potential to be hazardous and to provide a means of communication among researchers and healthcare providers about potentially protocols.
Membership consists of no fewer than five faculty members who have experience and expertise in recombinant DNA technology, the capability to assess the safety of recombinant DNA research, and to identify any potential risk to public health or the environment. At least two members who represent the interest of the surrounding community with respect to health and protection of the environment that are not affiliated with the institution will be on the committee. The IBC shall include at least one individual with expertise in plant, plant pathogen, or plant pest containment principles and one scientist with expertise in animal containment principles and one member of the university technical staff familiar with potentially hazardous biological agents. The Director of Environmental Health shall serve as an ex officio, nonvoting member of the committee. Members are appointed to staggered three-year terms by the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Research. The committee elects a chair at the beginning of each year. The IBC reports to the Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Studies.
Roster List for the Committee Members
Elizabeth Hood
David Gilmore
Travis Marsico
Fabricio Medina-Bolivar
Jennifer Bouldin
Anthony McMickle
Starr Fenner
Kimberly Marshall
Thom Beasley*
Gary Strickland*
* Community Members