Welcome to Arkansas State University!

Undergraduate Graduation and Academic Appeals Committee

This Committee will serve as an appeals committee for students contesting decisions on university requirements for graduation and academic credit.

Committee decisions will be forwarded to the office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Research for final action with a copy to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs.

Membership will consist of a faculty representative from each college and three students (one-year terms) appointed by the SGA. The Chancellor’s designee, the Registrar, a representative from the Office of Student Affairs, and a representative from the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will serve as ex-officio, non-voting members. The committee will elect a chair at the beginning of each academic year.


  • Johnny Richwine (College of Agriculture)
  • Dwayne Powell (Neil Griffin College of Business)
  • Nikesha Nesbitt (University College)
  • Robert Williams (College of Education and Behavioral Science)
  • Dr. Jason Causey (College of Engineering and Computer Science)
  • Nikki Arnell (College of Liberal Arts and Communication)
  • Stacy Walz (College of Nursing and Health Professions)
  • Ron Johnson (College of Sciences and Mathematics)
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • Beth Silverthorn (Student Affairs)
  • Melissa Jackson (University College)
  • Tracy Finch (Registrar)