influencing the quality of campus life
Staff Senate is a forum through which A-State staff members may provide input on campus policies, procedure, and programs. It also serves as a channel through which information may be communicated to staff.
Our Mission
The mission of the Staff Senate is to represent Arkansas State University non-faculty employees of the University and to serve in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor of ASU-Jonesboro with respect to all matters concerning staff.
Common Questions about Staff Senate
Who are "staff?"
The Staff Senate Constitution and Bylaws defines staff as full-time employees with fringe benefits (except the chancellor, provost, and vice chancellors), and part-time, non-student employees.
Full-time employees who hold the rank of instructor or above or who are professional librarians are not represented by Staff Senate.
Why Participate in Staff Senate?
Participation in Staff Senate provides the opportunity to interact with colleagues on campus, to stay aware of current campus issues, and to play an active role in influencing the quality of campus life.
How is Staff Senate organized?
Staff Senate includes proportional representation for employees in the following EEO employment categories.
- Executive Managerial/Admin
- Professional Non-faculty
- Secretarial/Clerical
- Service/Maintenance
- Skilled Crafts
- Technical/Paraprofessional
What is my EEO classification?
Contact the Human Resources office if you are unsure of your EEO classification. Knowing the correct EEO classification for your job will allow you to identify and contact the appropriate Staff Senate representative.
Staff Senate is “Continuing the Tradition” and recognizing outstanding staff who have made significant contributions to A-State during its history.
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The application for the Education Stipend Program is posted for each upcoming semester.
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