Agribusiness Conference
Established in 1995, the A-State Agribusiness Conference provides current information on the trends and issues which are affecting agriculture. The conference annually attracts over 500 producers, academics, students, and agribusiness professionals. The conference has featured over 275 speakers, including American Farm Bureau President Bob Stallman, former Secretaries of Agriculture Earl Butz and Dan Glickman, ABC News correspondent John Stossel, and Federal Reserve Governor Chris Waller. Farm broadcasters Orion Samuelson, Al Pell, Ken Root, John Phipps, and Tyne Morgan have also appeared on the program.
<<CLICK HERE for information on this year's Agribusiness Conference and to REGISTER NOW!>>
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Arkansas Soil and Water Education Conference
The goal of the Arkansas Soil and Water Education Conference is to educate farmers, producers, consultants, policy makers, students, and others with a vested interest in soil and water management about current issues and management practices in the area of soil and water management and conservation. This one day conference is appropriate for farmers, agriculture/crop consultants, environmental scientists and activists, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) workers, government officials, and students.
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Bill and Alice Nix Farm Day
In the Fall of 2006, the College of Agriculture began a free petting zoo on our farm at our beef barn facility. In 2023, the Bill and Alice Nix Petting Zoo was renamed to the Bill and Alice Nix Farm Day. What was once created to allow for an annual interaction between our small amount of visitors and an assortment of animals, has now become a large, highly anticipated, bi-annual event and a staple of our community.
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