The BSHS degree serves a three-fold purpose for students: 1) planning to seek employment in a health or health related area upon graduation; 2) desiring a bachelor’s degree following an associate’s degree in health disciplines and 3) planning a health career that requires a post-baccalaureate plan of study. Students will study chronic illness, prevention, wellness, healthcare advocacy, patient safety, health information technology, health systems, interdisciplinary practice, aging, mental health and cultural competence.
This degree does not lead to a professional credential or state licensure. Students will be prepared to work in community health, support services, health care navigation, claims services, medical sales and patient services. On line certifications are available in some areas such as compliance officer, health advocate and coding specialist.
The BSHS has two separate degree tracks: The Professional Track and Non-Professional Track. The Professional Track requires students to have an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in an allied health related field (e.g., Physical Therapist Assistant, Clinical Laboratory, Nursing). The Non-Professional Track does not require students to hold an AAS degree.
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