The mission is to provide:
·Curricula/instruction to enhance development of physical, mental, social and emotional qualities essential for living a quality life.
·Quality professional preparation programs that meet appropriate standards at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
To accomplish its mission, the department places primary focus on quality teaching. In addition, it strives to provide service to the (a) college and university, (b) elementary and secondary schools, (c) community and state, and (d) related professional organizations and agencies. The department engages in scholarly pursuits that will enhance the professional growth of its faculty and contribute to the knowledge base.
Emphasizing Quality Teaching and Service
To accomplish its mission, the department places its primary focus on quality teaching. In addition to its emphasis on teaching, the department strives to provide service to the college and the university, to elementary and secondary schools, to the community and the state, and to its related professional organizations and agencies.
The department endeavors to engage in scholarly pursuits that will enhance the professional growth of its faculty and contribute to knowledge about human performance.