Welcome to Arkansas State University!

2015 Summer Writing Institute

"Writing on the Ridge"

This summer, thousands of outstanding teachers like you are participating in writing project summer institutes and discovering vibrant local teacher-centered communities.

The WP Summer Writing Institute for Teachers will be divided into 3 separate weeks.

  • Chapter One, focuses on "Teachers as Writers" and gives fellows the opportunity to participate in and facilitate all aspects of a writing workshop; a literary anthology is also developed. 
  • Chapter Two, focuses on "Teachers as Writing Leaders." Fellows will collaborate to find mentor texts and other curriculum resources that help develop authentic writing instruction for young people. They will write non-fiction pieces using the resources and develop professional sessions from their work together.
  • Chapter Three, "Professional Inquiry through Writing," is available upon request or interest, and focuses on advocacy for writing across the curriculum and the particular inquiries of participants about writing instruction, research on teaching, and advocacy for teacher leadership.

Writing time, interactive discussions, teacher inquiry, and new friendships develop during our time together - an excellent way to renew, revive and re-experience the soul of teaching! The summer "fellows" leave as NWP teacher consultants and as professional development leaders. Support and mentorship follow them into their districts through continuity programs like teacher book groups and writing groups, professional development guidance, and online social networks. Don't miss this empowering time with other like-minded educators!

Highlights of the summer institute for teachers include:

  • Graduate course credit upon successful enrollment in the Graduate School at ASU
  • Membership of the NWP network with noted affiliation of being a NWP Teacher Consultant on Writing
  • Invaluable time spent with a diverse group of educators across Northeast Arkansas and the Delta region
  • Arkansas professional development hours for graduate credit

Imaginings of a Summer Writing Institute

(based on the first ADWP Institute June 8-July 2, 2009)

Imagine a morning around 9:15 am....sunshine flows in through a window, your coffee or tea sits in front of you, along with a journal. You are holding your favorite kind of ballpoint pen (or felt tip if you prefer), and a fresh, clean page is open waiting for your thoughts, your words, your reflections.

Twenty other teachers are poised to begin writing around the u-shaped table formation, some share about their children while others whisper in anticipation about plans to read from the Author's Chair later today. Several rustle papers and hole punch them for binder organization. Some shift books around-Natalie Goldberg's Writing Down the Bones is being read by a few of your new friends.

So far, you have begun writing a personal piece on a topic that's been stirring inside you quite awhile. You are a part of a writing group, and you've heard their writing and feel secure that snapshots of their lives are found in their pieces as well. You smile when you think of the afternoon writing group time for today, anxious to share the next part of your story.

For now, the teacher and Arkansas Delta Writing Project "Fellow" sitting next to you is about to lead the morning journaling session. Yesterday's journal writing was particularly memorable....The group wrote about what they would do if they were either fearless or invisible. The teachers in this group are not only teachers, they are writers as well based on what you've heard them share aloud! You are even impressed with your own writing at this point! Appreciating the time, the environment and the encouragement, you can't wait to continue your personal writing piece and move on to another writing based in your teaching.

You glance over to the schedule board and notice that today's demonstration lesson by one of the "Fellows" is on "Using Writing to Face Math Fears." Cool! You acknowledge how valuable it is to hear other teachers share their experiences and favorite lessons.....Sigh! You are so glad to be a part of the Arkansas Delta Writing Project's Summer Institute for Teachers!

--Dixie Keyes