Chancellor Declares 'Staff Appreciation Week' at A-State
JONESBORO – To celebrate the efforts of staff members at Arkansas State University, Chancellor Kelly Damphousse is declaring May 14-19 as Staff Appreciation Week.
In addition to the annual Staff Senate Picnic on Thursday, May 17, and the Staff Distinguished Performance and Service Recognition Awards on Friday, May 18, two local businesses are partnering to add a second picnic lunch event to salute staff members.
“Our staff members are the people who are always here year-round, the people that I know that I can always count on to put our university first,” Damphousse said in an email message to the campus on Monday. “On behalf of our faculty, our students and our administration, I want to thank you, and proclaim for our campus not just a staff appreciation day, but Staff Appreciation Week.”
On Tuesday, May 15, East Arkansas Broadcasters is bringing their KFIN Grill to campus to serve hot dogs to staff members between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Heritage Plaza on the east side of the Reng Student Union. First Community Bank’s Polar Roller will be there to serve frozen dessert treats to staff as well.
The Staff Senate Picinic is also 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and is at its traditional location, the A-State Pavilion. A silent auction of items and a bake sale will also take place to support initiatives of the A-State Staff Senate.
The Staff Awards event on Friday is in the Reng Student Union Centennial Hall at 1:30 p.m. Damphousse will assist the Staff Senate officers with the award presentations. This year is the 25th anniversary of the A-State staff awards.
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