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Command Sgt. Maj. Howard Visits A-State’s ROTC Program


JONESBORO – Command Sgt. Maj. Roger Howard visited the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program at Arkansas State University while on a tour of regional programs, according to Lt. Col. Cecil L. Clark, professor of military science.

Howard currently is assigned as the U.S. Army Cadet Command and Fort Knox Command sergeant major.

“Maj. Howard spoke to our senior cadets about their training experience last summer, and he asked for their input on how to make it better,” Clark explained.  “We provided him a tour of the Military Science Building, the ROTC Living-Learning Community residential facility and the sports medicine facilities, where he met Ron Carroll and Andre Taylor.”

Clark, who briefed Howard on the history and success of ROTC at Arkansas State, added that Howard “ . . . seemed genuinely impressed with our facilities and extremely pleased with the high level of support from the university.  He will return to Fort Knox with a positive impression of the campus and program.”

The Army ROTC program at A-State has operated since 1936, preparing students through military science instruction for commission as second lieutenant upon graduation.

The Red Wolf Battalion continues to welcome students into the A-State Army ROTC program.  Persons interested in more information should contact Clark at cclark@astate.edu or (870) 972-2064.

Sgt. Maj. Howard and ROTCCommand Sgt. Maj. Howard visits with Military Science IV cadets at Arkansas State
in the Red Wolf Battalion headquarters.