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Dukes of Dixieland, New Orleans Jazz Band, in Riceland Performance Series


Dukes of Dixieland
Dukes of Dixieland

JONESBORO – Arkansas State University’s Fowler Center will present the Dukes of Dixieland as the next performance in the 2015-16 Riceland Distinguished Performance Series on Thursday, March 17, at 7:30 p.m.  The sponsor of the show is The Jonesboro Sun.

Back in 1974, producer John Shoup re-formed the Dukes of Dixieland and opened their jazz club atop the Monteleone Hotel in the French Quarter, calling it "Dukes' Place" with the blessing of its previous owner, Louis Prima.

Playing four sets a night, often stretching until dawn, the Dukes started accepting 30 dates a year with orchestras, festivals and performing arts centers in the USA and overseas.  They also continued at Dukes’ Place until 1986, then moved to a new home, Mahogany Hall, on Bourbon Street.  In 1992 they moved home base to the Steamboat Natchez, where they have remained.

"You don’t have to go to New Orleans to hear this exclusive jazz band sound," says Bob Simpson, Fowler Center director.  "Join us at the Fowler Center for a trip back in time to the sound of the New Orleans jazz legends."

All seating is reserved. Individual tickets for the Riceland Distinguished Performance Series are $30 and $20 for adults, and $23 and $15 for senior citizens and students, $24 and $16 for ASU faculty and staff, and $10 and $6 for ASU students with a current ID. Group discounts are available for groups of 15 or more.

For more information, contact the Fowler Center at (870) 972-3471. Tickets may be purchased at the Central Box Office in the Convocation Center, 217 Olympic Drive, Jonesboro, or by calling (870) 972-ASU1 or by calling toll-free at (888) ASU-FANS. Tickets are also available online from the Central Box Office (http://www.astate.edu/tickets/) and from Fowler Center (www.yourfowlercenter.com), 201 Olympic Dr.

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