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Engineering Student Islam Participates in Machine Learning Workshop


JONESBORO – Md Azharul Islam, a graduate engineering student at Arkansas State University, was selected to participate in the 2022 Cyberinfrastructure-Enabled Machine Learning (CIML) Workshop hosted by the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC).  

The goal was to introduce computational researchers to techniques and methods that will help them scale machine learning applications from local resources to national-level high-performance computing platforms.

“This workshop was really helpful for my studies and research work here at A-State,” noted Islam, a native of Narayanganj, Bangladesh. “It was about machine learning on HPC (high performance computing) clusters. I learned about submitting jobs in HPC clusters, deep learning with Keras, and machine learning techniques.”

Islam was one of only 50 students selected nationally for the workshop. A student in the Master of Science in Engineering program in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, he works with Dr. Robert (Drew) Fleming, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, on computational materials science research.

Md Azharul Islam