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Master's Program in Psychological Science Begins Fall 2016


JONESBORO – Beginning fall 2016, the Department of Psychology and Counseling at Arkansas State University will offer a Master of Science degree in the field of psychological science. The program will open many career and academic doors for students in the region. It will focus on research and data analysis, in addition to key content areas in psychological science.

"In our technology-driven world, there are few behaviors we engage in that do not result in some form of data about us being collected," explained Dr. Wayne Wilkinson, assistant professor of psychology, who is coordinating the program.  "The ability to correctly collect and analyze such information is crucial.

"Indeed, Forbes magazine recently stated although most corporations and organizations collect vast amounts of behavioral and psychological data from their customers, they lack qualified employees to effectively analyze the data and make informed decisions," he continued.  "The new program’s focus on meaningful data collection and analysis will increase the number of qualified individuals in the region to fill this need."

The program is also attractive in the region as a non-counseling alternative for qualified individuals. Although there are many graduate programs in the region that focus on counseling and other forms of therapy, there have been limited masters-level opportunities for people wanting to focus on the research aspect of psychology.

"The research focus of the new program is unique in the area and should attract more students to A-State from around the region," added Dr. Kris Biondolillo, interim department chair and professor of psychology, "including those who desire to eventually pursue a doctoral degree.  The new program harnesses the broad range of interests and perspectives by the psychology faculty."

Partly in preparation for the new program, the department underwent a recent renovation and update of its research facilities, as well as hiring several new faculty members who specialize in research and data analysis.

In addition to Wilkinson and Biondolillo, the faculty members who are expected to teach in the new program are Dr. Jessica Curtis, Dr. Irina Khramtsova, Dr. Loretta McGregor, Dr. Amy R. Pearce, Dr. Christopher Peters, Dr. David Saarnio, Dr. Dawn Weatherford and Dr. Karen Yanowitz.

Individuals who are interested in the program may contact Wilkinson in the Department of Psychology and Counseling, wwilkinson@AState.edu or (870) 972-3064.

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College of Education and Behavioral Science
College of Education and
Behavioral Science