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Natan Gomez Awarded German Academic Exchange Service Study Scholarship


JONESBORO – Arkansas State University biotechnology graduate Natan Gomez, who recently won the R.E. Lee Wilson Award, has been selected for a prestigious postgraduate scholarship. 
Gomez has been awarded the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Study Scholarship. This award is open to students in their final year of an undergraduate program.  

The scholarship provides full funding for a master’s degree program at a German university in addition to living expenses, health insurance and a travel allowance.  
Gomez grew up in Irapuato, Mexico. He knew that upon completing his bachelor’s degree, he wanted to continue to gain valuable educational opportunities in various parts of the world. 
“Studying in Europe has always been my dream, and without financial stress it will be even more impactful. Receiving this award was a full circle, exciting, yet bittersweet moment,” said Gomez. 
“I was speechless for a few minutes reading through the letter. There were tears of joy and sadness, as I am venturing into an exciting new chapter, but I am leaving my new home behind.” 

Gomez was a very accomplished student in his time at A-State. In addition to maintaining a 4.0 GPA, he participated in the registered student organization Hermana y Hermano, worked as a resident assistant on campus, served on the Student Activities Board, and was a welcome ambassador. 

“I aspire to complete my master's degree in drug development or biomedical engineering in a major city in Germany. Then, I want to pursue my Ph.D. elsewhere in Europe or the U.S. to research biotherapies and compounds for mental disorders,” said Gomez. 

Those awarded this scholarship are chosen based on several factors including having a strong academic record, well-developed proposal and a passion for continuing their education and research endeavors in Germany.  

The award is known as the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Study Scholarship. DAAD is translated as the German Academic Exchange Service, which supports students from around the world with funding for study and research at German universities and research institutions.  

For more details about applying for nationally competitive awards and opportunities, one may contact Jennifer Salo, director of the Emerging Scholars Program at A-State, at jsalo@AState.edu

Natan Gomez