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Spring Writers’ Retreat To Be Held April 10-12 At Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum and Educational Center


PIGGOTT, Ark. –Dates for the 2014 Spring Writers’ Retreat at the Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum and Educational Center in Piggott are Thursday-Saturday, April 10-12. The retreat will be held in the Educational Center and the Hemingway Barn-Studio and will offer adults the opportunity to work on their writing under the direction of a professional mentor, receive feedback from peers, and build relationships with others interested in writing.

Roland Mann of Oxford, Miss., will serve as mentor for the retreat. Mann is a former editor with Marvel Comics, journalist, and newspaper editor. He is a talented author and creative writing instructor.

“A retreat is different than a workshop or conference,” said Mann. “In general, a retreat allows the writers to get away from the daily grind at home and focus solely on whatever they wish to write. Writing exercises serve to get their writing muscles going. The Hemingway-Pfeiffer writing retreats are, I think, the model for retreats.”

Registration is $150 by April 1 and $25 more thereafter; lunch and breaks are included. For additional information, contact Dr. Adam Long, Director of the Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum and Educational Center through e-mail at adamlong@astate.edu or by phone at 870-598-3487.

Writers' retreats are structured to be interactive with in-class writing activities, private writing time and group interaction. Writers contribute stories, poems and essays to be published on site in a spiral-bound souvenir anthology for each participant.

HPMEC is an Arkansas State University Heritage Site at 1021 W. Cherry Street, Piggott, Ark. Tours are on the hour Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Ronald Mann
Ronald Mann