Welcome to Arkansas State University!


Assistive technology is any item, piece of equipment or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.

Contact our Alternative Technology and Access Coordinator regarding accessible lab locations, a technology assessment/demonstration, the availability of specific assistive technology, or your eligibility to check out equipment.

Equipment available for check out may include but is not limited to:

  • Digital recorder
  • Livescribe Smartpen
  • Assistive listening device


Alternative Text Accommodation

Some students are eligible for an alternative text accommodation. Before purchasing physical textbooks, AAS suggests checking the following resources to purchase books already in an alternative format (i.e. ebooks, audio books).

If you cannot find the book(s) you need, or you have already purchased a physical copy of your book(s), please email our Alternative Technology and Access Coordinator to request alternative formats. Students can only request materials for the courses they have registered for. Please provide the following information for EACH book needed:

  • Title
  • Author(s)
  • Edition
  • ISBN-13
  • Receipt showing the book(s) were purchased - NOT leased/rented

Due to copyright laws, students must show proof that they have purchased a textbook before they can receive the alternative format. If books are leased/rented, AAS will be unable to obtain an alternative format. AAS is not responsible for purchasing textbooks for students.

A student's book(s) will be distributed via ShareSpace. If the textbook is not available in alternative format, you must provide a physical copy to AAS for cutting/scanning.

Any course-related content/material obtained as part of an accommodation is not to be shared under any circumstances. If students are caught sharing materials, this may impact your future eligibility for alternative text accommodations.