Welcome to Arkansas State University!

Tutoring Information


SMART Center tutoring is offered Monday through Thursday between the hours of and . Tutoring is available to all students currently attending Arkansas State University. Available subjects and times can be found on the schedule listed below. For more information regarding the tutoring schedule or any other services the SMART Center may provide, please contact our main office at +1 (870) 972-2440.


Please log into Penji to see subject and tutor availability. 

Spring 2024-Drop in Tutoring Location: LSW 553

Monday: 9:00AM – 3:00PM 
Tuesday: 8:00AM – 4:00PM
Wednesday: 8:00AM – 12:00PM; 2:00PM - 4:00PM
Thursday: 9:30AM – 4:00PM
Friday: Tutoring Center Closed


Penji Installation:

Download the Penji app. The Penji app is available for download for both iOS and Android. The icon is blue with a penguin Penji TM.

  1. Select Sign-up.
  2. Enter your A-State student e-mail address.
  3. Single sign-on with A-state credentials. (This may have to be done more than once.)
  4. Sign-up options: Choose “Learn”. (Optional: How did you hear about app?)
  5. Complete your profile: name, picture, major, etc.
  6. Select the desired tutoring center.


Directions for Drop-In with the Penji App:

 Pick the desired tutoring center.

  1. From the “Learn” screen, view Drop-In Tutoring.
  2. Select your class.
  3. View available times.
  4. Visit the Center at an available time that works for you.

Attend in-person tutoring location in Lab Sciences West, 553.

SMART Center Tutoring will begin each semester during the second week of classes and run through the Study Day of each semester.

If a course taught in the College of Sciences and Mathematics is not offered, please contact the SMART Center to request a course. All requests will be reviewed. If a tutor can be located for the course requested, you will be notified.

Otherwise, please contact Learning Support Services or another tutoring center on campus, to see if they may have a tutor available who can assist with your course.