Welcome to Arkansas State University!

Instructor of Percussion


  • B.M.E., Arkansas State University, Instrumental Music Education


Jarrett Robinett has recently joined the Arkansas State University Department of Music as an Adjunct Instructor of Percussion where he currently teaches Applied Percussion lessons and is involved with the faculty jazz ensemble and the A-State Drumline. Jarrett’s activities at A-State continue a career of over thirty years performing and recording with wind bands, orchestras, chamber music groups, jazz bands, percussion ensembles, rock and blues bands, ceremonial marching bands, and as a solo percussionist. During his long performance career, he has appeared on stage with an array of notable musicians, conductors and composers, including Marvin Stamm, Karel Husa, Frederick Fennell, Jack Stamp, and the legendary Ray Charles.

Prior to joining A-State, Jarrett served for twenty years as a percussionist with the United States Air Force Band of Mid-America and the United States Air Force Heartland of America Band until his retirement in 2021. During his military career Jarrett performed with Air Force Concert Bands, Jazz Ensembles, Ceremonial Bands, Brass Quintets, Chamber Ensembles, Commercial/Rock/Pop bands, and as a solo ceremonial drummer for various protocol events. His performances were viewed by millions of people in broadcast audiences on television, radio and the internet and at live concert events across 29 American states. In addition to public concerts, Jarrett performed for U.S. Presidents, Vice Presidents, foreign dignitaries, Federal and State Political Representatives, Chiefs of Staff for the Armed Services and foreign military leaders during official ceremonies. From 2002-2005 he was a founding member of the Air Force Band Chamber Percussion Duo Resonant Elements that performed public recitals and taught clinics at numerous PAS Days of Percussion throughout the Midwestern United States.

During his assignment with the United States Air Force Band of Mid-America, Jarrett auditioned for and was awarded an Air Force certification as an Audio Engineer as well as a Percussionist for the band program. Following this achievement, he continued to both perform on stage and work behind the scenes for the Concert Band, stage bands and at various special concert events. Additionally, he programmed lighting shows, automated lighting effects and incorporated synchronized videos into numerous concerts across the Great Plains. These experiences led to him being named as the Producer/Director for the 32nd and 33rd annual Holiday Concert Programs for the United States Air Force Heartland of America Band. He oversaw the musical and visual design as well as the live performance elements of this popular concert series.
Jarrett has been a faculty member of the ASU Band Camp, the Dixie Band Camp, and the Corning Public School District. He performed frequently with the Pine Bluff Symphony, the Fort Smith Symphony, the Conway Symphony and the Northeast Arkansas Symphony (now the Delta Symphony Orchestra). Jarrett graduated from Arkansas State University with a Bachelor of Music Education Degree in 1999. His primary percussion instructors were Sherri Dees, Craig Collison, and Dr. Thomas Burritt. Jarrett is endorsed by Salyers Percussion drumsticks and mallets as well as by Sabian cymbals. He is an alumni member of Phi Mu Alpha music fraternity and a member of the Percussive Arts Society.