Welcome to Arkansas State University!
CAP1 in pancreatic cancer: a novel role in mediating growth factor signals to control cancer cell invasiveness
Lauren Calhoun Graduate
Courtney Cox Graduate
Joshua Gray Graduate
MdRokib Hasan Graduate
Takida Phillips Graduate
Hydroxyproline-O-glycosylation tag for increasing recombinant protein production using the transient expression platform
Cristofer Calvo Graduate
Phylogeographic analyses suggest cryptic diversity within the Bluntnose Darter, Etheostoma chlorosoma
Hilary Canada Undergraduate
Oxygen Mediated Cross-Coupling of Silicon and Boron Compounds
Steven Cooper Undergraduate
Thinking outside the Crops: Mapping Vascular Plant Species Richness in the Anthropocene
Dylan DeRouen Undergraduate
Noise/Vibration Reduction in Vacuum Cleaner using Acoustic Analysis
Hunter Holcomb Undergraduate
HPLC Profiling of Prenylated Stilbenoids in Diverse Cultivars of Peanut
Abbas Karouni Graduate
Metabolic Engineering to Enhance the Health Benefits of Muscadine Grape
Parker Knapp Undergraduate
Assessing Mitigative Properties of Vegetation in Northeast Arkansas Agricultural Ditches using Biotic and Abiotic Measures
Emma Martin Graduate
Synthesis of new dihydropyrimidinones and their testing with the ESKAPE pathogens
Kei Ohgo Undergraduate
Sustainable Bioproduction and Antioxidant Activity of Prenylated Stilbenoids from Peanut
Patrick Roberto Undergraduate
Applying Nano Sensors Using Reduced Graphene Oxide to Detect Phosphate
Robert Rogers Undergraduate
Monitoring water quality at sites in the Bayou DeView, Arkansas
Amber Ruby Graduate
Optimizing the Extraction Process of Bio-active Compounds in Hairy Root Cultures of Peanut
Kennith Swafford Undergraduate
Krishna Sasa Vellanki Undergraduate
Does Axle Grease Effectively Protect Bluebird Nests from Predators?
Michael Trusty Undergraduate
Does frequently visiting a bluebird nest increase predation risk?
Amanda Trusty Undergraduate
Are rice seeds with elevated ascorbate less prone to chalkiness?
Aylin Villalpa-Arroyo Undergraduate
Removal of an Endocrine Disruptor by Clay-like Oxides
Kristiana Watson Undergraduate